Sunday 30 August 2020

Let's go on a Treasure Hunt!


Would you like to go on a TREASURE HUNT with your class? First, let's begin by making a Treasure Map!

I did this activity with my grade 02 students while we were learning about Maps and Directions as part of Social Studies. It surely made my class exciting and fun filled.

You will need:
  • an A4 sheet (you could also use a brown paper bag to make the map look more realistic)
  • a pencil
  • a ball-point pen
  • paints
  • a medium paint brush
  • felt pens
Let's begin!
Ask the students to draw an outline of their treasure map using a pencil. They could start by deciding the spot for hiding their treasure and drawing the route to reach the point. 
A compass rose plays an important role hence that too should be shown clearly. Then, ask them to add a few more features like - mountains, trees, sharks in the water, pirate ships, snakes and so on. 

Now, ask them to trace over the pencil mark with the ball-point pen. This will ensure that the drawing is clearly visible while painting the map. A ball-point pen is important as it will prevent the ink from smudging.

It's time to add some colours!
Kids can use brown for the land area and blue for water. Remind them to use very little paint and enough water as making the map too dark could hide the details on the map. Once the paint is dry, trace over the map using felt pens. Students can highlight the treasure hiding spot by drawing a red cross.
We have now reached the most interesting part of this activity. Are you ready?

Tear the edges of the map with your hands. Be very careful while doing that.
Now crush it. Yes, you read it right! Crush your map to make a paper ball
Finally, open it and you are ready to go on a TREASURE HUNT with you class!

I hope you found the activity interesting. Looking forward for comments.


Anonymous said...

A good read.

Anonymous said...

Very creative said...

Enjoyed reading your blog post. Your treasure hunt map looks amazing. Do keep posting, would like to see what are your next steps to teach reading amps. I have always enjoyed browsing an atlas where there is so much information on all sorts of things, including the weather, crops, etc.
Keep writing!

Unknown said...

Thank you for your insightful feedback.

Puja Rai said...

Thank you for posting such useful content. This is definitely going to help the teachers who wish to make their teaching more fun and interesting.