Thursday 20 May 2021

Weaving a Nest!


While learning about birds and their nests in Pre Nursery, we came across one of the most interesting birds - the weaver bird. Interesting because of the way it weaves its nest. To integrate the topic with Art, my teacher partner and I decided to help students weave a nest. Considering the age levels, 3-4 years, the activity had to be interesting yet simple. While looking for ideas, we came across a simple way in which kids could weave a nest using wool. 

Let's look at the materials needed:

1. wool

2. dry leaves and twigs

3. flour dough or play dough to make the eggs

4. some cotton

We began by showing the kids a video of weaver bird weaving his nest. We discussed how carefully they do it to ensure it is safe and warm for the eggs to mature. Students were able to build a connect between humans and birds and understood that they provide similar love and protection to their young ones. 

The activity focused on helping children develop their fine-motor skills. We began by taking some wool and gently weaving it around our thumb and little finger in a criss-cross way. It took some while for the young ones to understand the technique; however, with some help they were mostly able to do it. 

Once the weaving was done and the nest looked warm enough for the eggs we carefully slipped it out of our fingers and placed it on our tables. Students covered their nests with some dry leaves, hair, twigs and cotton to keep them warm and strong. Once the nest was ready, we took some play dough and rolled them in an oval shape to make the eggs.  

Students then placed the eggs carefully in the nests and completed the activity. This lesson gave us a chance to learn about different types of birds and their nests and the materials they use to build them. 

Here are some of the pictures of the nests weaved by 4 year olds in my class.

P.S. Weaving activities are very good for developing the fine-motor skills of a 4 year old. If you are a parent then work on similar activities with your child at home to better develop the hand-eye coordination.


Mriganka said...

Wow this looks like a great idea to keep the kids engaged during the lockdown. It is a simple yet fun way to engage and help kids learn new things.Thank you for sharing.

Aarunima said...

It's a very nice idea . Will definitely try this with the kids