Thursday 26 March 2020

Am I Growing?

Am I Growing?


Little ones are ever excited to find out if they are growing tall. It makes it even more fun for them if their teachers become a part of their journey!

I did the 'Am I Growing?' activity with my students as an integration of their Science and Math topics.

As young scientists, the activity helps them predict reasonably and as budding mathematicians it allows them to understand the concept of inch as a standard unit of measurement.

Before you start the activity you will have to keep the following resources ready:

. A height chart which could be hung anywhere in the classroom (available on Amazon).
2. A worksheet with 3 main columns - date, time and prediction for the students to record their data.

Let's begin!

Gather your students around and ask them if they know their height. Believe me, you will be amazed to hear their responses! Make a note of how many used a standard unit of measurement while sharing the information with you. Once the discussion is over, show them the height chart and ask them if they know the reason for having it in the classroom? Their views will vary and they will have ideas of their own!

Speak to them about the activity and tell them that they will be recording their height (in inches) every month for the next one year. Every time they check their height they will have to go back to their place and record the data in the worksheet provided. You must ensure that they write the date, height and their prediction for next time. For the prediction, you could get responses like; 'I will not grow even a little by next month', 'I will grow by an inch', I will become shorter', 'I will grow 10 inches', etc. It will be a delight to watch them compare their prediction to the actual data. Some may show disappointment, a few will be happy, a group of them may even be startled. So, be prepared!

To be certain that they do not misplace their recording sheet you could stick it in their Science notebooks. It should stay safe unless, their dog eats their Science notebook!!

To add to the learning, you could ask the students to pair up and measure the height for each other. This will help them become better team players.

I hope you enjoy doing the activity and it is effective in your classrooms too!


Unknown said...

Good Ruchika!!

Unknown said...

Centimetre inches never sounded so interesting

Unknown said...

A very innovative and fun way of teaching an important topic. Well done Ruchika👍

Anonymous said...

Pretty cool